Transmission Line Design
Our design solutions will guarantee/assure the cost effective and reliable energy delivery networks. Our expertise in upgrading the existing...
Tower Design and Foundation
The selection of transmission components decides the strength and loading of towers. Our accurate & Optimized Tower & foundation design ensu...

Renewable Energy Evacuation solution
We provide design solutions for complete power evacuation of the RE generation pockets from generation point to grid connection. Our optimum...

Metallurgical Support
Our expert team specializes in providing Metallurgy consultancy for aluminium alloy rods, HTLS Conductor & Hardware development support ...

Asset Management
We provide overall health management of the Transmission Asset, which helps to predict the remaining life of the device and formulate an eff...

Inspection And Testing
We offer a full range of inspection services and support to the Transmission system component manufacturer. We also provide third-party insp...

Zero Dirt - Indigenous Solar Panel Cleaning Robot
“Zero Dirt”- an indigenously designed robot that perfects your solar panels with zero dirt and zero water, thereby desert friendly...